And "dig in" is just what she did!
WAY in! My mom and Gracie cut the other cake for the adults ("Do you like my party hat? No, I do not like your party hat, Good-bye"~sorry~inside joke that only my Mom, Dad & brother will get.)
On our way to the bath tub, we stopped for a quick photo. The tub was had pieces of icing and cake floating in it! She was a mess!!
"Zaaaat?"...which translates from Libby Lingo to "What's that?
Libby got tons of great birthday presents...books, clothes, toys, money for her college fund and gift cards. Gary and I started a tradition with her...we bought her 3 pearls on a chain...and each year we will add 3 more to it, until she gets the full strand of pearls.
Philip & Tyler begrudgingly try on their party hats. Thanks, looks cute!
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