Friday after work, we boarded a chartered bus from Gary's office to the Cincinnati Reds game. Gary's firm knows how to put on an event--complete with a rented out "Party Deck" overlooking the game, all of the hot dogs, beer, popcorn and all of the other ball-park fixin's that one could want!
Root, Root, Root for the home team...if they don't win it's a shame...for it's one, two, three strikes you're out at the old ball game!
Libby sported her Red cheer leading outfit in true-fan style! She was an absolute angel the entire time...from the bus ride up, though the game, past the fireworks and the entire way home. I was actually nervous bring her around all of Gary's co-workers...on a bus...but she really did amazing!
Heading to the party deck.
Future star.
Here she is...still going strong and watching the fireworks...long past her bedtime.
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