Sunday, January 7, 2007

Hoehn Cup 2007

Cousins Pictured: Jeremy, Russ, Angie, Philip, Brian & Diane

Gary & I hosted the 5th Annual Hoehn Cousin Party this year. This tradition was started several years ago when Philip decided that if we did not make an effort to get together each year that we would completely loose touch with each other.

So, 5 years ago, Philip had the "adult" Hoehn cousins
(there are 33 first cousins in all) over to his house
and had a little contest. We played
games (including Hoehn classics like "UP/Down" and "Spoons")
and kept score. The Hoehn with the highest score won.
This evolved into a trophy competition,
complete with brackets and commentary.

This year the events were as follows:

Golden Tee



Gary won overall highest score and took the Hoehn Cup
from it's previous owner, Philip. This year was the
first year that an "outlaw" has won the cup...which
currently resides on our mantle.

I know that to outsiders this looks pretty gay...but we really love our family (stupid quirks and all) and know that our Grandma would be so proud that we do this every year!

A speical thanks to my Mom, Shirley, who kept Libby for us overnight so we could enjoy the party. Also, thanks to Philip who flew in from Maryland to visit with the family. Lastly, thanks to Russ for doing the 2nd annual ass-grab shot:

Let the "Camp-Out '08" Planning Begin!