Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Playdate with my favorite Playmate!

After our original plans to go to the lake and paint today fell thru, I dropped Libby off at Mema's and ran a billion errands. I forgot how easy is was to run into store after store without loading and unloading Libby and her million necessities...diaper bag, toys, Cheerios, etc. Needless to say, I got a lot accomplished out and about! Afterwards, Sophia & Amy came over to play in Libby's new playroom!

How would you like your eggs? Sophia loved the new kitchen set that Emma gave Libby today! I was so amazed at how well Sophia walks around holding onto things. She can even stand unassisted for several seconds! She is going to be walking so soon!

Speaking of walking, we decided to take Libby's new wheels for a test drive.
We were only able to take a short walk before the sky turned very black and it started to pour! The girls looked so cute in their hats!

Sophia & Libby enjoyed their dinner of squash, peas and chicken sticks. The jury is still out about Sophia and the chicken sticks....For those of you who do not know, chicken sticks are made my Gerber and look like Vienna Sausage in a jar, but taste like Spam. I am pretty sure that my dad is the only person who likes Spam, but Libby thinks that the Chicken Sticks are pretty good---Spam flavor and all! After the little girls had their dinner, the big girls ordered pizza. Here we dine at Libby's Little Mermaid table. I am pretty sure that we exceeded the weight limit on the chairs, but they stood strong!