Saturday, May 5, 2007

Derby 133

We spent Libby's 1st Derby down at the lake. The weather was going to be sort of yucky, but it ended up being a beautiful day! Gary, Libby & I headed down Friday and got Libby's room renovations accomplished so we could sit back and relax for the remainder of the weekend. Here Libby sports her new U of L onesie...a Derby gift from her Aunt Carrie & Uncle Chris.

Speaking of Uncle Chris, check out his shirt! How funny is that!?

Kayla tries on Libby's sunglasses and Tucker chills in his kennel. I don't know what made him sit in it...the door is not even shut!

Just a swingin' on the rope swing in the yard.

Gary & Libby wait for the race to start.

Oh yeah, there was some drinking going on!

JP Double fisting a beer and a yummy fruity drink.

Taking it easy



Can't wait until next time! I noticed you didn't display how many UofL shirts Libby wore over the day.

thebanetfamily said...

Side note for those who don't know...Libby had a total of 3 U of L shirts on this weekend, complements of Aunt Carrie!