Sunday, April 29, 2007

"Farm" Fresh Fish

Sunday, while Gary went to the lake to fix the pipes and mow the grass, Libby & I went down to the family farm (AKA: Camp Polly Wally) on Indian Creek for a family fish fry. Uncle Mark & Eddie and some of my cousins go to Reel Foot Lake each year for a fishing trip. Since they are fishing this week, they wanted to fry all of their last year's catches. Here, Libby & Nonna enjoy the creek.

Libby & Cousin Susan

Frying fish, sampling onion rings and yes, drinking beer!

Cousin Diane helps Libby make a quick call on her Barbie cell phone. After lunch, Diane and I took the canoe up the creek for a little R&R. Our arms got tired, so we relied on the guys in their fishing boat with their trolling motor to tow us back to the bank. Wow, are we lazy or what!? It was the best fish that I had ever had and I certainly hope that they get lots more this week to enjoy for the next fish fry!!


The Cissells said...

You guys look like you had so much fun. What a beautiful day for a canoe trip. As always, Libby is looking F-I-N-E.