Sunday, December 2, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jill!

Saturday, Gary & I hosted a surprise birthday party for Jill at our house! The plan was to get her to come over so we could go out to eat. Once she arrived (and noticed Shawn's truck on the street), she came downstairs with a room full of her family & friends. I think she truly was surprised!Since we told Jill we were going to Bahama Breeze, she was a tiny bit disappointed to hear that we were going to have Arni's pizza, instead. We later found out Bahama Breeze much for our story! The kids all lined up in the hallway to eat their pizza. The Jewell triplets, Abby & Kayla joined Libby for the fun!
Yummy!!! Cake!!!
Ashlyn, Brooklyn & Carson join their mommy for some cake! Happy Birthday, Jill! We are so lucky to have you as a friend!



Thanks again guys!