Saturday, March 1, 2008

Date Night

Finally...a Saturday night when Gary & I didn't have a thing planned! How rare! Gary got the great idea for a date night and to let Libby spend the night with my parents. We went to a restaurant called Avalon on Bardstown Road. It was delish. $70 delish, maybe not, but still very good.
After dinner we did went to see "Fools Gold". It was not bad, especially considering the last movie we saw in the theatre was PL (Pre-Libby). Since the movie didn't start until almost 10 PM...we killed some time getting coffee and doing some shopping at Meijer. I forgot how nice it was to stroll around the store, killing time without a 19 month old saying "I want that".
Thanks Nonna & Pop for keeping Libby for us so we could enjoy a night out! She had a great time with you all!


The Rougeux's said...

MMMMMMMM!! I bet Matthew McConaughey was looking all lickedy luscious!

The Cissells said...

Sounds like date night was long overdue? Was this in planning for baby #2, Gary?