Sunday, November 30, 2008


Last night, we went out to celebrate Jill's birthday (which is today--Happy Birthday, Jill!) We went to "TOMO" (formerly Tran) for dinner and then headed to the Chicken House to hear The Rumors. As always, it was a great night hanging out with our friends (minus Shawn's Boo). Libby & I before we left to take her to Chris and Carrie's for the night (Thanks so much for keeping her!!)
The volcano is my favorite part of this dinner. We thought it was so funny that our server's name was Jesus (I didn't know this was a Mexican place).
You can dress her up, but you can't take JP's sister, Sonya, anywhere! Here, she tries to show Jesus that the spatula-spinning is as easy as it looks.Gary and I waiting for our California RollsShawn & Sarah

The girls at the Chicken House. Sarah and her new boots. You can't tell from this picture, but they really do what they are intended to do! Right, Shawn?