hosting a play date! Amy & Sophia came over today and
the girls played together
(also included in their daily agenda; crying, sleeping & eating).
It was nice to have a happy afternoon--since I was so sad this morning.
I put Libby in her swing
(the bird one that Nonna got her) and she was
just absolutely too big for it. I carried it downstairs and sort of felt
sad that she is growing out of some of her baby things.
I remember those first few nights that we were up
all night long with her....Those few trying weeks when she
would sleep for a few short hours in the swing while we catnapped...and deep
down we wondered how we were ever going to manage when we went back to work.
Libby's sleep habits are so awesome, now. Around 8:30PM, after dinner & bath, we kiss her and put her to sleep in her crib. She falls asleep in a few minutes (with the help of sucking on her thumb, of course) and sleeps thru the night.
Check out this picture of Amy with Libby & Sophia.
They are so different and so alike at the same time.
It is such good therapy for me to have someone like Amy
(also a first-time mom) to bounce ideas off of,
talk to about mother stuff and to reassure me that I am doing a good
job raising Libby. Thanks, Amy, for being such a good friend!
I am so grateful for you Angie. It is great to spend time together. I enjoy our "sessions".
How do you all find time to have these play date sessions??? I am sooooo jealous!!!!
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