Saturday night, Gary, Libby & I went to watch Libby's Cousin's Basketball game. K.S.* did so great and we were so very proud of him! He got several rebounds and steals and just looked so darn cute with his "McDreamy" haircut! Libby wore her Colts Cheer leading outfit (as you will soon see, it was her main outfit for this weekend's festivities--if Mommy and Daddy are going to spend that kind of money for an outfit, she is going to get her use out of it!!)
Libby and her Uncle Chris smile for a photo op!
Here K.S.* dribbles the ball down the court!
Libby posing for a picture with her friend, L.P.* During the game, he continued to ask his Mommy if he could "hold the baby". He is such a Colts fan that even his lips are blue!
*Initials were used to protect the identity of the children pictured.
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