After much discussion, we decided to play on a co-ed softball league this summer. Tonight, we met at a park for our first practice. Libby & Kayla get ready with their gloves & balls.
Currently, our teams consists of 12 members. The name has yet to be picked, but a few suggestions are...."Bad News Beers", "The kids picked Last", "With Ourselves" and "off In the Shower". I know you may be a little confused with the last 2 suggestions, but think of our opponents saying who they play tonight...."We Play..." or when they brag, "We Beat..." I would explain further, but this is a "G" rated blog.
Our cheering section.
Our cheering section.
After all of the base running and ball throwing, we all were pretty beat by the time practice was over! Hope to see you all next week! Lord knows I can use all of this exercise!
Angie do you even stop when you get home to do anything else then blog?
Looks like you all had fun. It was a beautiful day. Libby looked so cute in her visor. She looks like a pro already.
Dear Sengs....To answer you question, "NO". Blogging is the first thing that I do when Libby takes a nap. I am so addicted!
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