Saturday, July 21, 2007

Aloha, Birthday Girls!

Saturday, Amy & I had a small Luau for the girl's first birthday. Here, Libby & Gary work on a puzzle before the guests arrive.Aloha! Amy's masterpiece~a palm tree cake! Yummy! Pat, Rikki & Braden try on their lays. Mommy & Libby
Jessica & Sophia
Lillian playing in the was a little too cold for most of us adults.
Justin pushes Kayla around the pool.

The outfit of the night award goes to Sophia in her grass skirt!

Runner up (yet a close second) went to JP in his Jessica Rabbit Hawaiian shirt.

After the girls had gone to bed, and we had already finished the cake, Kayla walked out to the deck with her arms in the air and said, "We didn't even sing 'Happy Birthday'". So, with the girls both fast asleep, and cake already in our bellies, we sang a great Happy Birthday to our little 1 year olds! Thanks everyone for coming, it was nice to get together.