Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas morning with the Stillers

Do you think that your child got the most annoying toy for Christmas? Lets have a moment of silence to be thankful that we have silence in our house right now!! The Stiller's Santa blessed them with an electric guitar (for Keaton) and a drum set (for Carson!). Can someone please pass the Tylenol??

Libby loved the drum set. Sorry, little lady...you can play on Carson's all you want...but don't even think about asking for your own!

By this time Christmas morning, Libby was really getting into opening presents. She was wound tight...can't you tell??

She got lots of great toys from her Mimi & Poppa Ray and the Stillers...The American Baby Doll (Bitty Baby), Magic Tea Set and the Cabbage Patch baby doll were her favorite...oh, yeah, she loved her fur lined leopard print clogs!What is it??



The drums and guitar are a great present! I'm glad I don't live in that house. Looks like you got a full room of toys little Libby Loo!