Sunday, February 17, 2008

Back Seat Singer

On the way home from Nonna & Pop's house, Libby was busy singing up a storm. Gary & I even had to turn off the radio...who needs tunes with this? I thought it was so cute that she had her bear wave "bye-bye". Also, you will hear us ask her what Aunt Carrie says. She answers, "Blah, Blah, Blah"...which is a little trick that her Uncle Chris taught her. Boy, she's a keeper!


Shena said...

I just cracked up when I saw the bear wave "bye bye". HOW CUTE?!

The Cissells said...

I love her music. The lyrics seem slightly new age to me but I think she may be starting a whole new sect of music. Let me know when she goes on tour. I want to be the first to buy tickets.