Sunday, February 17, 2008

Game Night

When you see the title of this entry is “Game Night” and you glance down to see that the first pictures is of some of my aunts and uncles sitting around my parent’s table, I am sure you’re first thought is something along the lines of Euchre, Yahtzee, or even Bunko. When I say “Game Night” it is more in the literal since…A Squirrel Fry.
Gary & I went over to Mom and Dad's for dinner tonight. My aunts & uncles Ed & Rowena, Jeanne & Jim (well, sort of uncle), Mark & Denise and cousin Derek joined us to eat Mark's catch of Squirrel. Luckily, Mom also made yummy chicken for those of us who passed on the game. Above, Denise, Libby & White Bear pose for a photo (pull your shirt down, Libby!)
Pop & Libby take a moment to look at last night's blog entry. (That belly is showing again!) While the adults were finishing up dinner, Libby was having fun enteratining herself. She would go to Dolly's food dish (my parent's cat) and pick up a few pieces of food..........
........Then she would run into the living room where Dolly was sleeping on a blanket and feed her the food. You will note that she had already given Dolly her Valentine's Dog for her to sleep with (Nonna, I think we left that over there!)
We had to head out before desert. They were crowded around Dad's computer watching the video of their Marti Gras dinner routine. Thanks for dinner, Mom & Dad!


The Cissells said...

Do you have any leftover squirrel? I hear it tastes better warmed up.


I don't know what it is with you girls, either plumbing or showing your belly! Can I say a big yuck to game night?