Monday, March 17, 2008

Dinner with the McGuires

Sunday evening Pat & Rikki came over for pizza so we could catch up and let the kids play. Their son, Brayden, is just a few months older than Libby and their daughter, Lillie, is just 5 months old. Libby was so funny around the baby. She wanted to be next to her, help her drink her bottle and burp her. She was amazingly gentle. Perhaps this is her way of telling Momma & Daddy that she'd be okay with a little brother or sister. This is how most of the night went...Libby wanting whatever toy that Brayden had. I thought this one was funny because it captured her "telling" Rikki that Brayden took her princess phone. Look around...Don't you think she can find something else to play with in her play room??

Libby was being a big helper helping Rikki burp Lillie. It is strange because I think that Libby looks so little, but then when I see her next to a real baby...she looks 12. It was great to catch up with them since we had not seen them forever.


The Cissells said...

Ah, little sister/brother. It's a thought. What do you think, Gary?

thebanetfamily said...

I am sure that Gary is going to pass out when he reads that!