Saturday, March 15, 2008

Greenville Elementary Fair

To bring our busy day to a close, we went to the Greenville Elementary school's fair. This was an indoor event that consisted of many games and goodies. We bought some tickets and thought we'd let Libby try her luck at the Tic-Tac-Toe game. Gary held her and I stood at the other end (with camera in hand, of course) and told her to "throw Mommy the ball". I cannot believe it, but she actually won! We were so proud!

Trying her luck at the duck game (she won this, too!!)

Well, her luck had to run out sooner or later. We played this game that was very similar to The Price is Rights's "Plinko" game. As you recall, I was on The Price is Right in 2003 (don't belive me, see the next post!)~~so thought this game would be a piece of cake. Better luck next time.

Daddy & Libby try their luck at a put-put game. I don't know who the gal in purple is behind them, but she looks like she is trying really hard to get some to Gary's excellent golf pointers.

Uncle Chris tried to help Libby with her putting, too. Again, no luck. Maybe she'll have to schedule some lessons with her Uncle Goob or Aunt Shannon.


The Cissells said...

Libby looks so serious in the first picture. She must really want to win. She reminds me of a little song..."Eye of the Tiger".