Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Our Little Gymnanist

It was tumble time again at SIGS! Libby was amazing tonight! She followed directions and did all of her skills like a pro! Here, she waits for Miss Kelly to tell her what to do next.
When we first started at SIGS, Libby would not touch the bar. Miss Kelly said that her arms were probably too little and it hurt her arms to support her weight. Slowly, she have began to warm up to the bar...and tonight even did a flip over it (with help, of course!)
Here she is balancing on a ball. Look at how hard she is thinking about it!
It was Daddy's turn in the "Cheese Pit" tonight! I think he had as much fun as she did!


banar said...

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Ariel Banet

The Cissells said...

What is there to be said? She is pretty much a professional gymnast. I am glad she is having so much fun.