Thursday, June 25, 2009

Three Year Photos

This afternoon we headed to CLICK Portraits to get Libby's 3 Year pictures taken. There is one thing to say about that place...they are fast and cheap (I guess that's 2 things). Say so-long to the days that you drug your kids to JC Penny's for photos in October so that you'd have your prints back by Christmas!
Anyway, Libby was not terribly into her photo shoot. We got 2 shots that we liked---both that we thought "looked like" Libby. Lately, she's been making a cheesy crooked smile that (even though we think is adorable) does not look great in "Portrait Style".
We loved this Sepia-Tone. Wish you could tell how cute her pink and brown shoes match her pink and brown dress!


The Cissells said...

super cute! love it! remembering when we went to jcpenny with both girls.