Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl XLII

We went over to the Main's for a while to watch some of the Super Bowl. Libby wanted to wear her Colts Cheerleading outfit since she was sad they didn't make it this year. The kids played in Allie's kitchen for a long time!
Libby looks upset at a play that the Giants just made!
Snuggle time with her daddy!
Jamming to the Karoke machine in Allie's room! We didn't stay too long because we had a long day and were tired, but nonetheless, we had a good time. Thanks for having us.


L'alcolo anonymo said...


As you can see it... my name is Daniel... Banet, I'm writing from Brussels, Belgium. I'm 31.
My First name comes from my grandfather who dies long before I was born (1962).
Kind regards too all the Banet Family !