Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year, 2009!

We began our New Year Eve's celebration by going out to dinner at Beef's prior to going to Brent's party.
Shawn & Sarah JP & JillThe three hot momma's wait for the party to begin...check out those boots!
Jill, Sarah and I dominated the dance floor! Here, Jill and I take a break from getting down to pose for a photo.
JP & Gary look like Gangsters in those hats!
So does Jill....
Me and Sarah ringing in the new year.
Shawn and Sarah...the cute couple. Dancin' Queens

Me and Jill
After the dance, we headed over to Danielle & Bill's house. I saw "Drunk Clay" who I am not sure I remember ever meeting before (in the 9 years I have known this man). He was pretty funny! Those involved in this event are glad to see that I edited out the questionable photos and saved those for posting on "Facebook"!