Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dog Days of Summer

On Saturday, we headed to the Georgetown Drive-In for "The Dog Days of Summer" event. This is the only time of the year that dogs are allowed at the drive-in, as a fundraiser for the Floyd County Humane Society. The Bubble Bus was there, along with jumpers and events for doggies.
Here, Kayla and Libby snack on some popcorn in the back of JP's truck, waiting for the movie, Disney's "Up", to start.

Tucker enjoyed one of the specialized dog treats. What would a trip to the drive-in be without a bacon and egg flavored slushy??

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Weekend

Memorial weekend, we headed down to "the filed" for some go-cart riding and for an opportunity to play in the creek. I love this picture that Clay took--the little girls talking and playing while the big girls do the same!How artsy-fartsy is this? Libby and Kayla's chair vacant while they are busy playing. JP with the kiddos.
Mommy and Libby riding around and around the track. At one point, Libby started screaming! I stopped to hear what she was crying about...turns out she was crying "Go Faster, Go Faster".

Time is "Zoo"ming by

With Gary out of town, I decided that it would be nice for Libby and I to have some quality "Mommy and Me" we headed to the zoo. Apparently, every other Mother/Daughter/Daddy/Son/Grandma/Grandpa/etc in the Metro Louisville area had the same idea. That place was packed!
Here, Libby takes a break on the elephant trunk.
Striking a pose!
She told me that "Seeing the elephant" was her favorite part of our trip.
Libby really wanted to ride the train, but just as I mentioned above, that place was packed! The line to the train was too I talked her into a Carousel ride instead. With no cash in hand, I had to dig out 6 quarters to get her aboard...but listening to her laugh made it worth every cent.
If you remember from last year, this is a turtle sculpture that one of Gary's partners, Mark, made and donated to the Louisville Zoo. Just like the title of this blog entry suggests, time is "Zoo"ming by. Look at this baby last year....
...and look at this little girl this year!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Birthday, Gary!

For Gary's birthday weekend, we headed down to the lake. Since this was the first trip we had had down all year, we spent most of Saturday working outside...pulling weeds, burning brush and laying mulch. Even though we worked our tails off, we had a good time (even if I got poison ivy!). Here, Libby and her cousins, Keaton and Carson take a second to pose outside of the "Lodge". We ate so much that we were just about sick at this time!

Wow--check out this blast from the past. This is Baby Libby last year at the Lodge....

Here is Big-Girl-Libby this year! I just love to look back and see how much she's grown in 1 year! So amazing!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day--we headed out to Ray and Betsy's house for lunch. I made a "Three Generations" Mac and Cheese, which was my mom's delicious recipe in my grandma's dish. It made me miss Grandma Hoehn so bad--She would have loved to get to meet Libby Grace!
Libby posing next to the tree. Let the records show that I didn't tell her to put her hand in her pocket...she did that herself. Very Senior picture pose, if you ask me!

Keaton, Carson and Libby Grace

After lunch, we headed to Mom and Dad's for dinner. We had a blast; eating and shooting guns. Libby and her daddy both enjoy their new guns. I am very disappointed that I didn't take any pictures of Libby with her Nonna or Pop on Mother's day. Sorry guys!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Girl Power

Libby and her friends, Allie and Kayla playing dress-up at Kayla's house.

The super girls tie blankets on themselves for "capes". I love these girl's imaginations!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tumble Time

It's amazing to see the progress that Libby has made at SIGS. When we first started, a year or so ago, she was scared to touch the bar. Now, look at her go!Even during a hard practice, Libby finds time to goof off.