Sunday, November 25, 2007

Get a "load" of this!

I got out Libby's hamper this morning to do a load of her laundry. The next thing I new, she was pouring it all over the living room floor...
..and dragging the basket around the house!
What a crazy girl!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


This evening, we went out to dinner with some friends before we went to the Main's to watch the IU game. Here Libby is all decked out in her IU cheer leading outfit!

We had "not-so-good" service at Rocky's because they were so busy. After they brought us our dinner, he didn't come by with the graded Parmesan cheese. JP helped himself to the grinder on the waitress' station, and filled our plates with freshly graded cheese. What a fine dining experience!The kids always have such a great time at Shannon & Kevin's house because Ally has more toys than "ToysRus"! Riding the train is always a big hit!Libby took a break from playing to watch some of the IU game with her Daddy. You may note that Goober has on his rally hat, since IU was getting beat.

Libby loving on Jill! She loves JP & Jill and thinks of them as an aunt & uncle since we are with them all of the time! Nice hair, Libby!

Trim the Tree

When Gary & I got our first house together in New Albany, my cousin Shena came over the first year to help me put up the Christmas tree. Ever since then, when it is time to put up the tree, she comes over to help (Gary loves it because he gets out of helping put it up!) This year was no different! Shena happily came over to help Libby & me put it up and decorate it!
Libby loved playing in the tinsel...that is until I tried to take her picture!
I wasn't sure how she would react to the finished product, since she doesn't remember the tree from last year. She helped us put the "balls" on it. Here she is with her sippy cup. Tree decorating makes you one thirsty girl!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner

Since everyone had prior engagements on Thanksgiving day, Gary & I had Thanksgiving dinner at our house on Friday night, as we have in the past 3 years. Mimi's birthday is next week, so we combined our Thanksgiving celebration with Mimi's birthday. Here, the kids give her the platter that they made for her! She loved it!!
Libby loved Mimi's new blanket, and could barely keep her eyes open as soon as she picked it up! I think she was sleeping standing up! I didn't take as many photos as I had hoped...sometimes being the host makes me slack in my photography duties. Thanks, Mom, Dad, Mimi, Ray, Chris, Carrie, Keaton & Carson for bringing yummy food so we could remember what we are thankful for...our family!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

"Leaf" me alone!!

Just like every visit from Philip & Amanda, we took the girls outside for a photo op in the leaves. Libby didn't like the itchy leaves and was not into our picture taking. They did look cute in their matching outfits, though!
Lucia trying to steal a kiss from her little cousin!

Libby's cry almost looks like a smile!! Better luck next time on cute cousin pictures!

It's a Jeep wouldn't understand!

When we went to pick Libby up and spend some time with Philip & Amanda before they left, Gary had a great idea to bring Libby's Jeep along with us. Mema got her the Jeep at a yard sale and she is just a little too small to push the pedals herself, but she loves to ride in it! Lucia did a great job driving around the yard!
How cute are they?? We laughed so hard watching Philip & Amanda chase them around the yard! That little thing can fly!
We talked Nonna & Pop into letting us store it at their house so the girls can play with it again when Philip & Amanda are in town for Christmas! How can you say "no" to these two faces??

Saturday, November 17, 2007

SMK's Night Out

Friday, we joined other members of St. Mary's of the Knobs parish for the annual SMK's night out, held at Huber's Winery. It is a fun-filled night full of dancing, dinner, a silent & live auction and great fellowship. We went over to Chris & Carrie's for cocktails prior to the party. Carrie, Michele & I thought we were Charlie's Angels.
Our guys looking sharp in their matching (no, we didn't plan it) striped shirts! Dena & I had a blast dancing around like teenagers! What a fun night! I don't know why I didn't take many photos, but it was such a great night! Thanks, Mom, Dad, Philip, Amanda & Lucia for keeping Libby for us!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Earth & Fire Painting Session

After we left the CLICK for our pictures, I had an idea to have the kids paint a platter for Betsy's upcoming birthday at Earth & Fire. It was a million degrees in this joint, but the finished product made it worth it! Each grandchild took a turn painting the platter and then stamping their hand on it. Here Carson takes his turn painting the platter.
Keaton's turn.
Libby ate the paint during her turn!
Carrie helping Carson stamp his hand on the platter. After all of the kids stamped their hands, we had them write, "Best Mimi, Hands Down!" on it. She'll love it for her Birthday! (Good thing she doesn't check the blog!)

Say "Cheese"!

Carrie and I took the kids to the new portrait studio on Charlestown road, "CLICK" for a photo shoot. I had an idea to get a group photo of the grand kids for Betsy for Christmas. I was so pleased with this place! We got right in on our appointment time and were assisted by two nice young guys. They were excellent with the kids...and a few minutes after they took them, we got to look at them on the computer. A few minutes later, we had them in our hands and out the door! Quick & doesn't get any better than that! Carrie got Libby this outfit at the Gap last weekend to coordinate with the boy's sweaters. She looks so grown up!

This was one of my favorites! You can see her curls peeking out of the back of her head!

We decided that this one was so cute with Keaton, Carson & Libby that we got a huge canvas one made for Betsy for Christmas. Don't they look adorable??

Friday, November 9, 2007

Fantastic Mimi's!

Today, Libby & I went to get her hair trimmed after gymnastics (sorry no photos...I took her by myself, and even though she did awesome, I wasn't able to manage her and the camera at the same time!) Libby has her own beauty chair at her Mimi's shop that she usually sits in to get her hair trimmed. This time, Mimi sat her in her chair and sat on the floor to trim her bangs, and Libby decided that she'd rather sit on Betsy's lap and eat her chicken fingers during her haircut than sit in her chair. I say, whatever makes her sit still while scissors are being used is fine with me!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Last weekend, JP, Jill, Amy, Cory, Shannon, Goob, Sarah, Shawn, Christian, Joni, Gary & I went to Gatlinburg for our second annual getaway from our kids. We had a really great time! We laughed until our cheeks hurt, shopped until our feet hurt, ate until our bellies hurt and drank until...well, you get the point!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Something Old...Something New!

Last year, when we went on our trip, we noticed so many couples getting married in Gatlinburg. We decided that being so close to Halloween, we would have our own "wedding". Sarah & Shawn celebrated their 9 year anniversary by renewing their vows at the chalet. Here the bridesmaids pose in their Goodwill bridesmaid's dresses. The guy's attire was much classier...tux t-shirts and jeans and/or camo pants. JP officiated the wedding, with his newly earned Internet license. Goob & Shannon sport their awesome wedding attire (you gotta love those puffy sleeves and top hat!)
I love how happy they look!
Cory thinking that he might get to see those freshly shaved legs!
How much do you love my lacy sleeves?
Christian & the groom.
Joni (with her showing bra strap) and the bride.

After dinner we had the reception at a local BBQ joint. Man, did we get some looks? Sarah got carded and couldn't drink her beer until the guys got there with her ID! We met a nice lady, Carol, who we really had fooled into thinking that we were really just in a wedding! She felt so sorry for us, that she gave us her 10% off coupon!

Jill caught the corsage, so her and JP will be renewing their vows next year!

Cheers to the newlyweds...whoops, I broke my glass!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Other Photos from the Weekend....

Most of the gang before we left on Thursday afternoon.
The girls discussing their outfits at the "Old Tyme Photo" with our photographer, Tattoo Girl. You want me to wear this??
JP reenacting his fall out of his chair at the fancy restaurant during his attempt to "steal" Ricky Raccoon. You can't take him anywhere!
Put-Put at the go-cart place. It was such a beautiful day that it was nice to be outside! Shannon shows us all how it is done while Gary & Kevin discuss the next hole. Rock climbing at the go-cart place. They made it look easy. Shannon reved up and ready to go...there was some bumping & rubbing, a few hits into the wall, a bruise or two and a sore leg...but we had fun with the all-day pass! Amy posing next to a car at the go-cart place.
Shawn and his drink of choice (this was taken at 9am!) Relaxing at the Chalet.
Our first of many meals eating at separate tables...why can't people just pull two table together, I'll never know.
We put a hurting on our credit cards in Gap! Don't look too close at what Joni & I are might see a Christmas present or two!
The gang (minus Christian & Joni since they already were on the road) before we left. I just wanted to say a very special "Thanks" to my parents, Betsy, Ray & Mema for keeping Libby for us so we could enjoy a weekend away! It was much needed!