Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Again, I will brag about how great Libby did at SIGS! She followed directions, did flips, hung on the bars (which is a big thing since she never would do it before) and even did the running races at the end correctly! Here, she is so happy that her Daddy was able to make it after work!
This was a new task for the week...holding onto the rings and lifting herself up. She was able to hold them, but was not able to lift up, quite yet. She did a great job, though! I think the funniest thing was watching her jump into the "cheese pit" tonight! In the past, she would get in only if Gary or I were in it as well. Tonight she was jumping and sliding in time after time! She couldn't get enough!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Camp Weekend

This weekend, Gary, Libby, Betsy & I went down to spend our first weekend of the year at the lake house. As you probably have heard, we have it up for sale, so Betsy & I wanted to get some things organized and cleaned out before potential buyers walked through. We went to the Lodge for dinner and a few minutes at the playground.

At the lodge, I sat Libby on this spot to take a cute picture....After I got home, I decided that I used this same spot for a photo opportunity last year. Crazy, isn't it?

We are so lucky that we do not have a picky eater! Libby likes a lot of things, and ate 2 plates full at the lodge (not to mention ice cream for dessert!) Thanks for the water bottle lid, Amy! It works great!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Proud Mimi Keep on Turning

Libby's Mimi came up to see Libby in action tonight! She was so proud of Libby! It is easy to image what she does at gymnastics when we tell people, but to see her actually follow directions and have such a great time is really something! Here, Libby waits for class to start. What a face!
Miss Lindsay helps Libby down the "rainbow". As you know from other posts, we still have a slide in our living room, so the rainbow was a piece of cake to her!
Mimi helps Libby across the balance beam.Betsy helped Libby up the other side of the rainbow by giving her a boost with her leotard!This was the second week in a row that Libby did great with the flip over the bar! As you can see from her face in this picture, she loved it!

All of that gymnastics made Libby work up quite an appetite. We stopped at a local Mexican restaurant for dinner on our way home. She is nuts about salsa! I think her bib says it all, "Dinner's on me" (she even has it on her arms!)

Welcome Kate!

One of mine and Amy's very good friends, Kristin, had a sweet baby girl yesterday. They named her Katheryn Jeanne...and she weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs with a full head of hair! How sweet is she?! They both are doing well...and Amy & I are counting down the weeks until Kristin can come back to work! Lunch is not the same without you!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Berry Twist Babe

After work, Gary & I decided to enjoy the beautiful weather and go to Berry Twist for dinner. I had the usual--tacos and Libby scarfed down a hot dog like she had not eaten all day. After she ate great, she got her frozen yogurt, as promised. She was so cute...with her glasses on eating a cone!
I dug back in the archives and pulled out this picture of Libby last year eating her first Berry Twist. She looks so tiny compared to now (yes, we have more than that one bib...I just happened to bring it this year, too!). Good 'til the last drop!

Take Me Out To The Ballgame!

After Berry Twist, we headed out the the ball park to watch Keaton's baseball game. Libby loved her chair...for the few seconds that she could stay put in it!
Like every good spectator, Libby watched the game with a glove in her hand...in case she needed to catch a fly ball!

Carson & Libby played catch for a little while! I do not know why I didn't get any photos of Ashlyn or Brooklyn, but they were so great to Libby! They shared their popcorn with her (we owe you a bag of popcorn, Joni!)

Libby & her boyfriend, Carson! How cute are they?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Where a Kid can be a Kid

Today we went to Chuck E. Cheese's for Ally & Evan's birthday party! It was Libby's first time there and she loved it! As you all know, Libby is crazy about her cousin, Ally, and has not seen her in 2 weeks since Mema had surgery. She cannot wait to go back to Mema's this week so she can spend time with her! Here, Libby and the birthday girl pose in the photo booth. Libby looks thrilled!
There were a number of "cars" that she could ride on. Here, she was enjoying driving the bus! All aboard!
Libby is getting to be so independent! She wanted to drive this car but did not want any help getting in. Finally, she made it! Driving is serious, Momma, quit trying to make me take my eyes off of the road to smile at the camera!
Can someone get me some Windex?
Allyson, the birthday gal poses next to her cake.
Evan, the birthday boy, tries his luck playing air hockey.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Girl's Night

Finally, a much needed girl's night out! Sarah, Shannon, Jill, Dena, Joni & I met up and went to Red Star for some dinner and catching up.
After dinner and drinks, we went on to Howl at the Moon for some more gossiping and drinking, It was a calm night (and I didn't take many pictures) but we had a great time catching up!
Jill poses next to the "Seng" Jewelry sign. Too bad she cannot get us a discount!
Amy & I ran into a group of nurses that we work with. You may recognize Cindy from her blog!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Our Little Gymnanist

It was tumble time again at SIGS! Libby was amazing tonight! She followed directions and did all of her skills like a pro! Here, she waits for Miss Kelly to tell her what to do next.
When we first started at SIGS, Libby would not touch the bar. Miss Kelly said that her arms were probably too little and it hurt her arms to support her weight. Slowly, she have began to warm up to the bar...and tonight even did a flip over it (with help, of course!)
Here she is balancing on a ball. Look at how hard she is thinking about it!
It was Daddy's turn in the "Cheese Pit" tonight! I think he had as much fun as she did!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Thunder Rolls

This year we decided to pass on the cold weather and crowds and spend the evening with friends. Shannon & Goob hooked up their kick butt surround sound to their huge projection TV. It was like we were there! Goob even got a blanket and huddled on the floor (and when Gary and I left, he drove very slow!!)
The girls played so great together! My camera died after a few pictures, but here they are doing their running races. They always gave Libby a head start. Libby is considering a career in the marching band.
Visit Jill's website at http://www.thesenghouse.blogspot.com to see all sorts of other cute photos of the girls! They loved climbing up and down on the chair...they were joined at the hip! Libby was crazy during the fireworks show. She was dancing, clapping and snapping the entire time. She had us in stitches!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Wheaties Box, here she comes

Where has the week gone? It was already Tuesday again, time for Libby's Gymnastics! After a fun-filled day for my birthday (complete with lunch, 3 cakes, lots of special cards, gifts and calls from family & friends and a flower that Libby planted me!) we headed to Gymnastics!
She loves to walk on the balance beam and does really well doing it! Sometimes she gets too excited and goes too fast, loosing her footing...but for the most part, she has it down. Look out Mary Lou Redden, there's a new gymnast in town!
Spider crawl on the latter.
Here, Libby was supposed to be getting a block with a certain color showing, even though it looks like she is trying to poop.
Miss Kelly was Libby's instructor last session, too. Since she was the youngest then (and now, I think) Miss Kelly really seems to help her learn her skills. Here she is holding onto this bar thing, and Miss Kelly is helping her do a hand stand.
Here, Libby and her classmates wait to hear what Miss Kelly tells them to do next. This is the part of the night where the kids sit on one side with her and the parents sit on the other side of the room. They clap their hands, legs, etc and then when she says "go" they race to us. Libby laughs the entire time she is running. Look at how well Libby is paying attention to what Miss Kelly says.
Now that the "Good-bye" song is over, the kids sit on the white line and wait for their stamps. Libby thinks that they are taking too long.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

My Birthday Dinner

Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones who has not had to hear me whine about turning 30 this week. I don't know why this one has bothered me, but it just has. To celebrate my upcoming birthday, we went to Kobe's Steakhouse with a few close friends. Here my dear husband poses with my pineapple birthday boat.
For an appetizer, Gary & I had sushi. As you know, it comes served with Wesabi on the side...a crazy hot sauce some people use. Gary bet Jill that she could not mix the sauce in her soup and eat the whole thing. If she did, he vowed to buy all of her beer for the night. Here, she poses with her empty bowl (Jill will do just about anything for free beer!)
Sarah (sporting her new super cute haircut) and Shawn.
The Cissells, Amy & Cory.
The Mains, Goober & Shannon...I think this is going to be next year's Christmas photo (we'll Photo Shop in Allie).
The Sengs, Jill & JP Our chef was pretty good. I love the volcano!
Shawn shows off his skills behind the counter. Man, I think he missed his calling in life!
After our awesome dinner, we headed to The Chicken House, a local bar/restaurant to hear the band. They were not so great and too loud. A terrible combination for a small bar. At the bar, Gary continued to buy Jill beer. He finally got smart and bought us "Falls City".
Shawn & Amy pose for a quick photo.
Thanks, you all, for joining me for my 30th birthday! I look forward to many more birthday with you guys by my side!